I previously published a paper called “Novel Exercises and Stretches for Managing High Blood Pressure” that showed diaphragm exercises, holding prolonged static stretches, and performing a few minutes of isometric contractions a few times a week could lower systolic...
Over the past few years there’s been a lot of press suggesting that regular exercise protects not just against a range of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, but it can also keep our brains healthy by slowing down the overall rate of cognitive decline. The authors...
This is an interesting paper for anyone who treats tendon injuries. Most practitioners are aware of the strong connection between fluoroquinolone antibiotics and tendon ruptures, and the connection between type II diabetes and tendon injuries, but more often than not...
The authors of this study point out that nearly 1 million Americans get their knees replaced every year, and this number is going to jump to 3.5 million knee replacements annually by 2030. The authors state “the morbidity and mortality due to disuse associated with...
I like this article because it shows that downloading the Anglemeter app onto your iPhone allows you to take photographs of your patients’ bunions and measure their hallux valgus angle. This is important as it allows you to monitor progress for specific interventions...
These researchers measured plantar pressure distribution through the midfoot, metatarsals and toes as recreational runners ran in 3 different footwear conditions: a control group wearing the flexible Nike Free Run and two experimental conditions in which carbon fiber...