Click Here to Download a PDF of this Article Ankle sprains are surprisingly common. In the United States alone, 23,000 people sprain their ankle each day (Fig. 1). The medical costs associated with treating ankle sprains exceeds $1.1 billion annually (1,2). To make...
Shortly after age 50, the rate at which a person loses muscle mass begins to accelerate (1). Figure 1 is a graphical representation of the average number of quadriceps muscle fibers present in adults aged 18 to 82 (2). Looking at the center of the graph, it is clear...
In any given year, nearly one in 25 athletes will tear their anterior cruciate ligament (1). More commonly, one in 10 recreational athletes develop patellofemoral pain annually, and once diagnosed, more than 90% will continue to suffer with chronic knee pain years...
In any given year, nearly 40% of senior citizens aged 70 and over will fall at least once (1). Each fall significantly increases the risk of not only sprains, strains, and contusions, but also fractures. The resultant injuries often begin a downward spiral of weakness...
Each year, nearly 2 million Americans seek medical attention for a painful heel. In the US alone, the annual economic cost for managing this common condition is in excess of $300 million (1). While the majority of patients with painful heels respond favorably within 3...
Next to osteoarthritis, greater trochanter pain syndrome is the most frequently encountered hip injury, and it is estimated that it will eventually affect between 10% and 25% of the population (1). The typical patient complains of pain with single-leg stance and the...