Given the popularity of running, it’s surprising how much controversy exists over which style of running is best for improving performance. Some coaches advocate that all you need to do to achieve the ideal running form is to run with a cadence of 180 foot strikes per...
Summary Interdigital neuromas are common, poorly studied, and notoriously difficult to treat. By offloading the third and fourth metatarsal heads throughout propulsion, the new Peel and Stick interdigital neuroma balance allows you to effectively treat interdigital...
Summary Sesamoid injuries are extremely common, especially in high-arched individuals. The new Peel and Stick Sesamoid Balance is thicker than most sesamoid balances, and is made of a blend of urethane rubber, PPT, and synthetic suede designed to significantly reduce...
Click Here to Download a PDF of this Article Watch Video In any given year, nearly one in 100,000 adults will develop a vertebral artery dissection (VAD) (1) (Fig. 1). Factors that increase the risk of dissection include elevated homocysteine levels, Marfan’s...
Over the past 100 years, there have been 4 major pandemics that have collectively killed more than 60 mil- lion people. The most notorious of these pandemics is the 1918 Spanish flu, which infected 50% of the world’s population and killed over 50 million people....
Click Here to Download a PDF of this Article Twenty years ago, when a group of runners got together for a workout, a few would casually be stretching either their hamstrings or calves, but the stretches seemed pretty random and inconsistent. It was almost as if the...