Human Locomotion
Innovative Products for Clinicians & Athletes
Home of the ToePro®
Order your ToePro Foot/Ankle Exercise Platform Today!
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The products on this website are designed for people who want to build strength, improve form, and prevent injuries, and for busy healthcare professionals looking for state-of-the-art examination techniques and tools.
New & Featured Products
ToePro Foot/Ankle Exercise Platform
The ToePro® foot exercise platform has been designed to Improve Performance by strengthening muscles of the foot and leg in their lengthened positions. Compared to conventional exercises, exercising lengthened muscles produces nearly fourfold increases in strength.
Twist Disk
Although there are a wide range of exercises that target each of the transverse plane stabilizers, the easiest way to strengthen all of these muscles simultaneously is with the Twist Disk. This product is comprised of 2 rubber plates that are bolted to a spring-loaded mechanism that provides significant resistance as you rotate the disk in and out.
Fall Prevention Package
What is this package and why do I need it?
Fall Prevention Package includes 1-ToePro Foot/Ankle Exercise Platform, 1-Two-to-One Ankle Rockboard, 1-Balance Pad and 1-set of Balance Buttons.
- The ToePro Foot/Ankle Exercise Platform improves your performance and stability by strengthening muscles of the foot and leg in their lengthened position
- The Two-to-One Ankle Rockboard is designed to effectively exercise the muscles of your lower leg to prevent ankle sparains
- The Balance Pad is a great way to improve balance.
- Balance Buttons are designed to prevent falls and improve balance by producing site-specific stimulation of cutaneous receptors located along the outer sides of your feet
- and you get a discount!
ToePro & Dynamometer Clinician Packages
Packages includes 2, 6 or 12-ToePro Foot/Ankle Exercise Platforms and 1-Toe/Hip Strength Dynamometer
- The ToePro Foot/Ankle Exercise Platform improves your patients performance and stability by strengthening muscles of the foot and leg in their lengthened position
- Toe/Hip Strength Dynamometer allows you to precisely quantify toe strength. Toe strength deficits have been proven to correlate with chronic plantar fasciitis, falls in the elderly, and impaired athletic performance.
- Free UPS Ground shipping and per-unit discounts!
“As a practitioner, both in the NBA and at the Meyer Institute of Sport in Los Angeles, I have the honor of working with many different athletes and active adults. Dr. Michaud has provided our team of various practitioners, not only with innovative products, but more importantly, the why to the use. We use the website as a great practical resource and recommend it to practitioners and clients as a resource for knowing ‘why you are doing what you’re doing’.“
“As an athletic trainer in the NBA, the ToePro has become our favorite exercise device for increasing not just toe strength, but also horizontal jump distance. It also plays an important role in injury prevention.“
“I love my ToePro and use it every morning before I run. It helps strengthen my feet, ankles, and calves, and improves my push-off and running form. Takes just a few minutes a day and has helped keep me injury free. I even pack it when I travel!”
“Simplistic genius! The ToePro is incredibly easy to use and my athletes love it. I’m always surprised how many high-level athletes present with toe weakness, and how much they improve after using the ToePro. I wish I started using it sooner!”
“Dr. Michaud’s strengthening protocols kept me running through the toughest parts of my career. Three months after starting treatment for a spinal stress fracture, I set the world record for the marathon in Rotterdam, and the next year, I set another world record in Berlin.”
Monthly Research Articles
Interesting Articles
Fuller J, et al. Longer-term effects of minimalist shoes on running performance, strength and bone density: a 20-week follow-up study. European Journal of Sport Science. 2019 Mar 16;19(3):402-12.
The study investigated the longer-term effects of transitioning to minimalist shoes on running performance, running economy, strength, and bone density over a 20-week follow-up period. Fifty male runners who previously transitioned to using minimalist or...
Firminger C, et al. Effects of footwear and stride length on metatarsal strains and failure in running. Clinical Biomechanics. 2017 Nov 1;49:8-15.
The study investigates the effects of footwear type (traditional vs. minimalist shoes) and stride length (preferred vs. 90% preferred) on metatarsal strains and the probability of stress fractures in recreational runners. Fourteen male participants ran under...
Plesek J, et al. Acute effects of footwear on running impact loading in the preschool years. Sports Biomechanics 22.3 (2023): 442-458.
The study explores how different footwear conditions (barefoot, minimalist shoes, and standard running shoes) affect running impact loading among preschool-aged children. The authors evaluated 48 habitually shod preschool children aged 3 to 6 years, which were...
Xiang L, et al. Shock acceleration and attenuation during running with minimalist and maximalist shoes: a time-and frequency-domain analysis of tibial acceleration. Bioengineering 9.7 (2022): 322.
This study investigates how different types of running shoes—minimalist (MINs), maximalist (MAXs), and conventional (CONs)—affect the shock experienced by the tibia (the shin bone) during running. The researchers wanted to understand how these shoes influence the...